The information provided is partly correct. The writer is much influenced by the prevailing medicine thought which just promotes the effectiveness of taking the pharmaceutical pills for life to suspend the rise of blood pressure. The side effect is you have to take more pills after a certain period of pill taking because your liver, kidney and stomach are hurt by the poisonous chemicals. The fact is many people are occasionally found to have high blood pressure due to tension, lost sleep and emotional change at the time of measuring blood pressure. However, so many doctors would then advise them to take pills. The postive way is to do some exercises, control of food eating, easing tension and etc. Other alternative is to take Chinese herbal medicine to avoid life eating pharmaceutical pills.Herbal medicine is effective and less harmful to body. Sample TextSample Text作者: 坪洲仔 時間: 2005-12-6 10:04:59
英文好深,唔多明作者: Like 時間: 2005-12-6 17:50:49
[em19][em19]作者: seaman 時間: 2005-12-8 06:40:34
Originally posted by 坪洲仔 at 2005-12-6 10:04:英文好深,唔多明
伳e意思大致係叫人唔好郁d就靠食藥,因為西藥始終係化學品,會傷身,只會越食越多,身體變成倚賴藥物,不如試下中藥或者放鬆d唔好甘緊張,多做運動,可減低血壓。我同意伳e講法,好似抗生素一樣,越食越無效[ Last edited by seaman on 2005-12-8 at 06:42 ]